Looking out of the open air train car, we saw fields of yellow rapeseed which will be turned into canola oil. Did you know Canada is the world second largest producer of rapeseed?
We also saw fields of beautiful green winter wheat.
We rode the train today and were robbed by a gang of outlaws! Luckily, Gabriel Dumont happened to be on board and saved us and shot the bandits! It was quite the experience!
I have no computer, but I have a camera. For the next month, all of my photos will be SOOC (straight out of camera). Guess we will see just how good (or not) I am at getting a correct exposure in camera. No editing to fix my mistakes.
After we lit off our small batch of fireworks, we walked out to the barn to see if we could see any of the fireworks that we could definitely hear. Since I had my tripod with me, we did some "ghost" pictures.
Who am I? In a nutshell? I am active and strong. I am married. I race, tickle and read to my three kids. I am busy. I like cheesecake, a lot. I don't like clutter, although sometimes that is hard to tell considering the state of my desk and kitchen. I take a lot of photos, and am trying to take better quality ones. This blog is a collection of my photos that I take every day. They may not be spectacular (yet), but perhaps ... one day. Until then, I will keep shooting away.
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As a reminder: Right-clicking photos and saving them to your hard drive is ILLEGAL.