Last night I was working on my computer in my home office, which is right next to my bedroom. In my bedroom are sliding glass doors that face west looking out over the dirt road which leads to the barn, and on to one the pastures and pond. As I was working on the computer, I turned to notice an orange/red light coming from the bedroom. Curious, I got up to investigate. The blinds were pulled open and the light was pouring in from an amazing sunset. I quickly grabbed my camera, ran to the back door and pulled on my boots. I hopped the fence to the pasture, ran out to the pond and started snapping away. The light was changing very rapidly; in less than 10 minutes it was all over. In addition to what it looked like, I wish I could let you hear what it sounded like. Hundreds of frogs were singing, I heard crickets, an owl, and some bird from the grove of trees in the marshy area of the pasture was making a real racket. All that and of course the sound of me swatting mosquitoes and cursing their existence. Lovely, all but the mosquitoes of course.

HOLY CROW, those are beeeeUTIFUL!
What a picturesque place you live in! Beautiful!
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